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Arabic journals indexed in Scopus

Have you ever wondered about the world of Arabian journals? Are you curious about their presence in the prestigious Scopus database? Prepare to be fascinated as we delve into the realm of undefined publications indexed in Scopus. Explore the unknown territories of Arabian research, uncovering hidden gems and groundbreaking studies. Discover the untold stories behind these indexed journals and gain a deeper understanding of their impact on the global academic community. Get ready to be amazed by the wealth of knowledge waiting to be uncovered in the mysterious world of undefined Arabian 
journals indexed in Scopus.

Arabian journals indexed in Scopus

Annals of Saudi Medicine
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research
Arab Journal of Gastroenterology
Arab Law Quarterly
Arab Studies Quarterly (coverage discontinued in Scopus)
Arab World Geographer
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (coverage discontinued in Scopus)
Arabian Journal of Chemistry
 Arabian Journal of Geosciences
 Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis
 Bahrain Medical Bulletin
 Chronique d'Egypte
 Egyptian Informatics Journal
 Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia
 Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
 Egyptian Journal of Chemistry
 Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
 Egyptian Journal of NeurologyPsychiatry and Neurosurgery
 Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
 Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science
 Emirates Medical Journal
 International Arab Journal of Information Technology
 Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences
 Jordan Medical Journal
 Journal Medical Libanais
 Journal of Arabic Literature
 Journal of Egyptian History
 Journal of King Abdulaziz UniversityEarth Sciences
 Journal of King Abdulaziz UniversityIslamic Economics
 Journal of King Saud University - Science
 Journal of Palestine Studies
 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
 Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
 Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society
 Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute
 Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology
 Journal of the Saudi Heart Association
 Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering
 Kuwait Medical Journal
 Medical Principles and Practice
 Medicinal Chemistry
 Monde ArableMaghreb-Machrek (coverage discontinued in Scopus)
 New Iraqi Journal of Medicine
 Palestine Exploration Quarterly
 Pan Arab Journal of Neurosurgery
 Revue d'Egyptologie
 Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology
 Saudi Center for Organ TransplantationSaudi Arabia.
 Saudi Dental Journal
 Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences
 Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology
 Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation an official publication of the
Saudi Center for Organ TransplantationSaudi Arabia.
 Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology
 Saudi Medical Journal
 Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal
 The Egyptian journal of immunology Egyptian Association of Immunologists
 Tunisie Medicale

Arabic journals indexed in Scopus (PDF Download Available).

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