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Social Sciences Scopus Indexed Journals

Are you seeking a scholarly resource that delves into the complexities of society and human behavior? Look no further than Social Sciences Scopus Indexed Journals. These esteemed publications offer a treasure trove of research on undefined, providing unparalleled insights into the intricacies of our interconnected world. Explore cutting-edge studies and innovative analyses that uncover the underlying mechanisms shaping our social structures. With a wealth of diverse perspectives and rigorous methodologies, these journals are essential for academics, researchers, and students alike. Prepare to be captivated by the thought-provoking content awaiting you within the pages of these esteemed publications.

Scopus Indexed Social Sciences Journals

Scopus Indexed Social Sciences Journals

Scopus-indexed journals in the field of social sciences cover a broad range of topics, including sociology, psychology, education, economics, political science, and more. Below is a list of some well-regarded Scopus-indexed journals in the social sciences.

List of Scopus-Indexed Social Sciences Journals:

E-ISSN      P-ISSN         Source Title             
1545-7230 :  1042-9670: Academic Psychiatry
1468-4489 :  9639-9284: Accounting Education
1588-2519 :  1585-1923: Across Languages and Cultures
1588-2543 :  4459-5975: Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
1600-0390 :  0065-101X: Acta Archaeologica
1588-2551 :  1521-5210: Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
1726-569X :  0717-5906: Acta Bioethica
1503-111X :  0800-3831: Acta Borealia
1588-2586 :  1216-9803: Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
1588-2608 :  1583-5830: Acta Historiae Artium
1588-2616 :  1216-2574: Acta Juridica Hungarica
1588-2624 :  1216-8076: Acta Linguistica Hungarica
1755-3768 :  1755-375X: Acta Ophthalmologica
1588-2667 :  1644-6446: Acta Orientalia

1983-4683 :  1983-4675: Acta Scientiarum Language and Culture
1502-3869 :  0001-6993: Acta Sociologica
1741-2625 :  1469-7874: Active Learning in Higher Education
0394-9911 :  0741-7136: Adult Education Quarterly
1936-7317 :  1936-6612: Advanced Science Letters
1573-1677 :  1382-4996: Advances in Health Sciences Education
1837-4905 :  1838-7357: Advances in Mental Health
1827-787X :  0001-9593: Aevum - Rassegna di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche e Filologiche
1527-1978 :  0001-9887: Africa Today
1468-2621 :  0001-9909: African Affairs
1467-8268 :  1017-6772: African Development Review
1753-2531 :  1753-2523: African Historical Review
1472-5851 :  1472-5843: African Identities
2154-0128 :  1024-6029: African Security Review
1469-2872 :  2018-0184: African Studies
1469-1779 :  0144-686X: Ageing and Society
2078-0400 :  3031-1853: Agrekon
1520-6297 :  7424-4477: Agribusiness
1578-9705 :  1695-9752: AIBR Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana
1360-0451 :  0954-0121: AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV
1475-4541 :  3640-0094: AJS Review
1537-5390 :  0002-9602: AJS; American journal of sociology
1741-1629 :  9687-7769: ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology
2162-3228 :  2162-321X: American Academic and Scholarly Research Journal
1543-0375 :  0002-726X: American Annals of the Deaf
0364-9873 :  0002-7294: American Anthropologist
1549-6503 :  1073-9300: American Art
1533-2128 :  1080-3920: American Foreign Policy Interests
1085-7931 :  0065-860X: American Imago
1086-3141 :  0164-0178: American Jewish history
1573-2770 :  0091-0562: American Journal of Community Psychology
1936-1351 :  1066-2316: American Journal of Criminal Justice
1536-7150 :  0002-9246: American Journal of Economics and Sociology
1549-6511 :  0195-6744: American Journal of Education
1096-8644 :  0002-9483: American Journal of Physical Anthropology
1540-5907 :  0092-5853: American Journal of Political Science
1554-6136 :  1554-6128: American Journal of Sexuality Education
1468-4365 :  8967-7148: American Literary History
1537-5943 :  0003-0554: American Political Science Review
1080-6490 :  0003-0678: American quarterly
1527-2133 :  0003-1283: American Speech
1533-6247 :  3161-1615: Americas
1988-2378 :  2119-9803: Anales de Geografia de la Universidad Complutense
1469-1787 :  0956-5361: Ancient Mesoamerica
1783-1326 :  1378-4641: Ancient Near Eastern Studies
1851-4669 :  3293-3807: Anclajes
1469-2899 :  0969-725X: Angelaki
1318-9425 :  1408-5348: Annales: Anali za istrske in mediteranske studije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies. Series historia et sociologia
1572-9060 :  0232-704X: Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
9752-2404 :  9725-5423: Annals of Library and Information Studies
1467-8292 :  1370-4788: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
1432-0592 :  0570-1864: Annals of Regional Science
1467-8306 :  0004-5608: Annals of the Association of American Geographers
1545-4290 :  0084-6570: Annual Review of Anthropology
1545-1577 :  1094-2939: Annual Review of Political Science
1545-2115 :  0360-0572: Annual Review of Sociology
1469-2902 :  0066-4677: Anthropological Forum
1755-2931 :  1755-2923: Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
1534-1518 :  0003-5491: Anthropological Quarterly
1348-8570 :  0918-7960: Anthropological Science
1548-1492 :  0161-7761: Anthropology and Education Quarterly
1469-2910 :  1364-8470: Anthropology and Medicine
1556-3537 :  1053-4202: Anthropology of Consciousness
2107-0881 :  7613-3032: Anthropozoologica
1588-2748 :  0003-567X: Antik Tanulmanyok
2011-4273 :  1900-5407: Antipoda
1467-8330 :  0066-4812: Antipode
1988-4273 :  0210-5810: Anuario de Estudios Americanos
1532-480X :  1088-8691: Applied Developmental Science
1533-0389 :  1533-015X: Applied Environmental Education and Communication
1866-928X :  1866-9298: Applied Geomatics
1477-450X :  0142-6001: Applied Linguistics
1532-4818 :  0895-7347: Applied Measurement in Education
1875-8533 :  1570-5838: Applied Ontology
1469-1817 :  0142-7164: Applied Psycholinguistics
1871-2576 :  1871-2584: Applied Research in Quality of Life
1874-4621 :  1874-463X: Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
1365-7313 :  1365-7305: Aquaculture, Economics and Management
1573-0255 :  2680-0556: Arab Law Quarterly
1600-0471 :  0905-7196: Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
1825-3881 :  1724-6091: Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea
1589-486X :  3803-8032: Archaeologiai Ertesito
1866-9565 :  1866-9557: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
1478-2294 :  1380-2038: Archaeological Dialogues
1099-0763 :  1075-2196: Archaeological Prospection
1943-5746 :  3811-8113: Archaeology
1475-4754 :  0003-813X: Archaeometry
2104-3655 :  0044-8613: Archipel
1886-4805 :  1887-7052: Architecture, City and Environment
1777-5825 :  0335-5985: Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions
1474-0583 :  0003-9756: Archives Europeennes de Sociologie
1965-0531 :  3983-9837: Archives Juives
1938-7806 :  1994-6961: Archnet-IJAR
1475-4762 :  0004-0894: Area
1946-2174 :  1946-2166: Argument and Computation
1581-1204 :  5708-8966: Arheoloski Vestnik
1572-8382 :  0924-8463: Artificial Intelligence and Law
1741-6507 :  1094-1665: Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
1467-8373 :  1360-7456: Asia Pacific Viewpoint
1477-1500 :  3068-8374: Asian Affairs
1476-9328 :  1472-4782: Asian Business and Management
1467-8381 :  1351-3958: Asian Economic Journal
1536-0083 :  1535-3516: Asian Economic Papers
1469-2953 :  1463-1369: Asian Ethnicity
1871-014X :  1871-0131: Asian Journal of Criminology
1467-839X :  1367-2223: Asian Journal of Social Psychology
1568-5314 :  1568-4849: Asian Journal of Social Science
1535-8283 :  0066-8435: Asian Perspectives
1943-0787 :  1943-0779: Asian Politics and Policy
1744-1749 :  1744-1730: Asian Population Studies
1911-2025 :  1911-2017: Asian Social Science
1467-8403 :  1035-7823: Asian Studies Review
1467-8411 :  0818-9935: Asian-Pacific Economic Literature
1757-4331 :  1757-4323: Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
1469-2945 :  1359-866X: Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
1571-8158 :  1388-1906: Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law
1564-4278 :  0259-238X: Asia-Pacific population journal / United Nations
1933-2890 :  1933-2882: Aspasia
1469-297X :  0260-2938: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
1465-329X :  0969-594X: Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice
1863-8163 :  1863-8155: AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv
1557-2943 :  1477-7622: Astropolitics
7180-0462 :  7161-1840: Atenea
1545-6889 :  1545-6870: Atlantic Journal of Communication
7187-7262 :  0718-204X: AUS
2014-1246 :  2105-5853: Ausa
1833-6914 :  1030-0112: Australasian Journal of Special Education
1465-3303 :  0816-4649: Australian Feminist Studies
1465-3311 :  0004-9182: Australian Geographer
1940-4166 :  1940-4158: Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties
1467-8497 :  0004-9522: Australian Journal of Politics and History
2150-6841 :  7293-3682: Australian Planner
1783-1369 :  1659-9367: Babesch
1476-4261 :  1476-4253: Before Farming: The Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers
1544-4546 :  0163-9269: Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian
1099-0798 :  0735-3936: Behavioral Sciences and the Law
1362-3001 :  0144-929X: Behaviour and Information Technology
1944-8279 :  2682-2621: Bereavement Care
1523-5890 :  1523-5882: Bilingual Research Journal
1469-1841 :  1366-7289: Bilingualism
1899-962X :  1898-9403: Bioarchaeology of the Near East
1467-8519 :  0269-9702: Bioethics
0976-352X :  9749-9276: BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies
1875-1350 :  1875-1342: Biosemiotics
1745-8560 :  1745-8552: BioSocieties
1780-4507 :  1370-6233: Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment
1460-3632 :  1357-034X: Body and Society
1980-4415 :  0103-636X: Bolema - Mathematics Education Bulletin
1527-2141 :  0190-3659: Boundary 2
1469-3518 :  0141-1926: British Educational Research Journal
1464-3529 :  0007-0955: British Journal of Criminology
1467-8527 :  0007-1005: British Journal of Educational Studies
1467-8535 :  0007-1013: British Journal of Educational Technology
1469-3542 :  1353-0194: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
1469-2104 :  2650-0517: British Journal of Music Education
1469-2112 :  0007-1234: British Journal of Political Science
1740-7931 :  1416-6200: British Journal of Religious Education
1468-263X :  0045-3102: British Journal of Social Work
1468-4446 :  0007-1315: British Journal of Sociology
1465-3346 :  0142-5692: British Journal of Sociology of Education
1746-9198 :  1746-918X: British Politics
1478-3398 :  1475-3839: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
1472-7234 :  0007-4918: Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies
1470-9856 :  0261-3050: Bulletin of Latin American Research
1478-3428 :  1475-3820: Bulletin of Spanish Studies
1938-6958 :  3118-1186: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
2041-5370 :  7607-0730: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
1474-0699 :  0041-977X: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
1469-3569 :  1369-5258: Business and Politics
1467-8594 :  0045-3609: Business and Society Review
1099-0836 :  0964-4733: Business Strategy and the Environment
2179-4790 :  0104-9712: Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade - Papers on Language and Society
1972-5019 :  1122-5165: Cadmo
1777-5388 :  1252-6576: Cahiers du Monde Russe
1080-6512 :  1612-2492: Callaloo
1474-0540 :  0959-7743: Cambridge Archaeological Journal
1469-3577 :  0305-764X: Cambridge Journal of Education
1469-2147 :  0963-1801: Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
1474-449X :  0955-7571: Cambridge Review of International Affairs
1529-1510 :  2705-5346: Camera Obscura
1541-0064 :  0008-3658: Canadian Geographer / Geographie Canadien
1942-4051 :  1492-6156: Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
1755-618X :  1755-6171: Canadian Review of Sociology
1548-3290 :  1045-5752: Capitalism, Nature, Socialism↚
1557-5047 :  0885-7288: Career Development for Exceptional Individuals
1969-6949 :  1262-3490: Carrefours de l'Education
2013-4088 :  2013-407X: Catalan Historical Review
0898-008X :  0163-9374: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly
1939-2400 :  1939-2397: Celebrity Studies
1465-3354 :  0263-4937: Central Asian Survey
7805-482X :  1802-548X: Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
0252-0257 :  0251-2920: CEPAL Review
1818-7668 :  1992-3147: CEU Political Science Journal
1573-2797 :  0738-0151: Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
1545-228X :  0731-7107: Child and Family Behavior Therapy
1573-3319 :  1053-1890: Child and Youth Care Forum
1545-2298 :  0145-935X: Child and Youth Services
1467-8624 :  0009-3920: Child Development
1750-8606 :  1750-8592: Child Development Perspectives
1099-0860 :  0951-0605: Children and Society
1753-8971 :  1753-8963: China Economic Journal
1741-590X :  0920-203X: China Information
1752-5101 :  1752-5098: China Journal of Social Work
1876-5149 :  1876-5092: China Nonprofit Review
1468-2648 :  0305-7410: China Quarterly
1754-4769 :  1754-4750: Chinese Journal of Communication
1746-9937 :  1540-1650: Chinese Journal of International Law
2162-0563 :  2162-0555: Chinese Sociological Review
1469-3593 :  1362-1025: Citizenship Studies
1360-4813 :  1470-3629: City
1743-968X :  1369-8249: Civil Wars
1759-5142 :  1759-5134: Classical Receptions Journal
1756-5537 :  1756-5529: Climate and Development
1545-2301 :  0731-7115: Clinical Gerontologist
1573-3343 :  0091-1674: Clinical Social Work Journal
1777-5299 :  1252-7017: Clio: Histoire, Femmes et Societes
1532-690X :  0737-0008: Cognition and Instruction
1095-5623 :  0010-0285: Cognitive Psychology
1545-2549 :  0146-2679: Collection Management
1545-2530 :  1069-1316: College and Undergraduate Libraries
1542-4286 :  0093-3139: College Literature
1520-6378 :  0361-2317: Color Research and Application
1750-5976 :  0305-0718: Commonwealth Law Bulletin
1753-5379 :  2500-0167: Communicatio
1479-4233 :  1479-1420: Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies
1931-2466 :  1931-2458: Communication Methods and Measures
1740-4630 :  1740-4622: Communication Teacher
1468-2885 :  1050-3293: Communication Theory
1613-4087 :  3412-2059: Communications
1545-2522 :  0276-3915: Community and Junior College Libraries
1468-2656 :  0010-3802: Community Development Journal
1573-2789 :  0010-3853: Community Mental Health Journal
1469-3615 :  1366-8803: Community, Work and Family
1741-2676 :  1477-5700: Comparative American Studies
1750-0109 :  1744-1854: Comparative Critical Studies
1360-0486 :  0305-0068: Comparative Education
1545-701X :  0010-4086: Comparative Education Review
1740-388X :  1472-4790: Comparative European Politics
1528-4212 :  1041-4132: Comparative Literature Studies
1569-1330 :  1569-1322: Comparative Sociology
1521-0448 :  0149-5933: Comparative Strategy
1475-2999 :  0010-4175: Comparative Studies in Society and History
1548-226X :  1089-201X: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East
1554-6853 :  1554-0189: Competition Policy International
1988-2327 :  1131-6993: Complutum
1530-9312 :  0891-2017: Computational Linguistics
1099-0542 :  1061-3773: Computer Applications in Engineering Education
1528-7033 :  0738-0569: Computers in the Schools
1080-6520 :  1063-1801: Configurations
1753-5522 :  1350-5033: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
1572-9966 :  1043-4062: Constitutional Political Economy
1477-223X :  1025-3866: Consumption Markets and Culture
1930-1200 :  1075-7201: Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture
1755-0920 :  1755-0912: Contemporary Arab Affairs
1465-7287 :  1074-3529: Contemporary Economic Policy
1090-2384 :  0361-476X: Contemporary Educational Psychology
1573-3335 :  0892-2764: Contemporary Family Therapy
1872-0226 :  1872-0218: Contemporary Islam
1527-9464 :  1043-898X: Contemporary Pacific
1476-9336 :  1470-8914: Contemporary Political Theory
1469-3631 :  1356-9775: Contemporary Politics
1743-8764 :  1352-3260: Contemporary Security Policy
2158-205X :  2158-2041: Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences
1469-364X :  0958-4935: Contemporary South Asia
1754-1484 :  1754-1476: Contemporary Women's Writing
1469-218X :  0268-4160: Continuity and Change
1874-656X :  1807-9326: Contributions to the History of Concepts
1755-1676 :  1749-5032: Corpora
1535-3966 :  1535-3958: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
1539-6630 :  1532-687X: CR: The New Centennial Review
1934-6220 :  9627-7251: Criminal Justice Matters
1871-9805 :  1871-9791: Criminal Law and Philosophy
1748-8958 :  1748-8966: Criminology and Criminal Justice
1740-5912 :  1740-5904: Critical Discourse Studies
1568-5160 :  1440-9917: Critical Horizons
1539-7858 :  9318-1896: Critical Inquiry
1095-9955 :  1045-2354: Critical Perspectives on Accounting
1946-018X :  1946-0171: Critical Policy Studies
1467-8705 :  0011-1562: Critical Quarterly
1743-8772 :  1369-8230: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP)
1750-8495 :  1750-8487: Critical Studies in Education
1752-2293 :  0011-1570: Critical Survey
2145-0226 :  2027-2103: Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo
1578-4118 :  1135-6405: Cultura y Educacion
2065-5002 :  1584-1057: Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology
1478-0046 :  1478-0038: Cultural and Social History
1534-5203 :  0882-4371: Cultural Critique
1477-0881 :  1474-4740: Cultural Geographies
1466-4348 :  0950-2386: Cultural Studies
1469-3690 :  0954-8963: Cultural Trends
1477-2760 :  1475-9551: Culture and Organization
1464-5351 :  1369-1058: Culture, Health and Sexuality
1573-076X :  0165-005X: Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
1473-5776 :  1473-5784: Culture, Theory and Critique
1537-5382 :  0011-3204: Current Anthropology
2152-2723 :  2152-2715: Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
1548-6192 :  0011-5266: Daedalus
1804-8285 :  1804-6746: Danube
1469-3712 :  0965-156X: Debatte
1540-4609 :  1540-4595: Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
1476-8267 :  1024-2694: Defence and Peace Economics
1743-9698 :  1470-2436: Defence Studies
1533-7790 :  0070-3370: Demography
1746-1049 :  0012-1533: Developing Economies
1471-8847 :  1471-8731: Developing World Bioethics
1467-7660 :  0012-155X: Development and Change
1364-9213 :  0961-4524: Development in Practice
1467-7679 :  0950-6764: Development Policy Review
1470-3637 :  0376-835X: Development Southern Africa
1090-2406 :  0273-2297: Developmental Review
1521-0456 :  0163-9625: Deviant Behavior
1569-9714 :  0176-4225: Diachronica
2013-2247 :  -: Dialectologia
1570-0607 :  4325-2539: Die Welt des Islams
1467-7695 :  3921-1921: Diogenes
1557-301X :  0959-2296: Diplomacy and Statecraft
1360-0508 :  0968-7599: Disability and Society
1467-7717 :  0361-3666: Disasters
1469-3739 :  0159-6306: Discourse
1532-6950 :  0163-853X: Discourse Processes
1984-7939 :  1808-5652: Discursos Fotograficos
1475-0198 :  0158-7919: Distance Education
1965-0167 :  1765-0887: Distances et Savoirs
2049-548X :  2049-5471: Diversity and Equality in Health and Care
1963-1014 :  1279-5127: Document Numerique
1969-6973 :  0769-3362: Droit et Societe
1752-2307 :  1362-024X: Durkheimian Studies/Etudes durkheimiennes
1581-1212 :  0353-6777: Dve domovini / Two Homelands
1746-7594 :  1746-7586: Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide
1476-8275 :  0300-4430: Early Child Development and Care
1468-0254 :  0963-9462: Early Medieval Europe
1472-4421 :  9575-5146: Early Years
1875-2152 :  1875-2160: East Asian Science, Technology and Society
1743-971X :  1350-1674: East European Jewish Affairs
2159-9173 :  2159-9165: East European Politics
1469-4360 :  0266-4666: Econometric Theory
1468-0270 :  0265-0665: Economic Affairs
1539-2988 :  0013-0079: Economic Development and Cultural Change
2306-3459 :  2071-789X: Economics and Sociology
1469-5766 :  0308-5147: Economy and Society
1942-0773 :  0256-0054: Ecquid Novi
1870-8404 :  0187-893X: Educacion Quimica
1475-7575 :  3004-4279: Education 3-13
1469-5782 :  0964-5292: Education Economics
1782-1428 :  1373-847X: Education et Societes
1557-3079 :  1557-3060: Education Finance and Policy
1469-5804 :  1357-6283: Education for Health
1539-9664 :  1539-9672: Education Next
2100-0816 :  2100-0808: Education Therapeutique du Patient
1746-1987 :  1746-1979: Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
1747-5074 :  0965-0792: Educational Action Research
1532-6977 :  1062-7197: Educational Assessment
1521-0472 :  0360-1277: Educational Gerontology
1741-1440 :  1741-1432: Educational Management Administration and Leadership
1745-3992 :  0731-1745: Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
1469-5820 :  0144-3410: Educational Psychology
1469-5847 :  0013-1881: Educational Research
1465-3397 :  0013-1911: Educational Review
1465-3400 :  0305-5698: Educational Studies
1573-0816 :  0013-1954: Educational Studies in Mathematics
1941-5540 :  1941-5532: Effective Education
1935-0201 :  1935-5380: Eighteenth Century
1086-315X :  1325-2586: Eighteenth Century Studies
1740-7508 :  1740-7494: Electronic Government
1696-2095 :  1699-5880: Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
1477-4526 :  0951-0893: ELT Journal
1573-6911 :  0340-8744: Empirica
1435-8921 :  0377-7332: Empirical Economics
1776-2820 :  1286-5559: Enfances et Psy
1754-8845 :  0425-0494: English in Education
1469-4379 :  1360-6743: English Language and Linguistics
1916-4750 :  1916-4742: English Language Teaching
1559-2715 :  1383-8339: English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920
1755-1986 :  1755-1978: Enterprise Development and Microfinance
1469-4395 :  1355-770X: Environment and Development Economics
1573-2975 :  1387-585X: Environment, Development and Sustainability
1635-7930 :  1635-7922: Environmental Biosafety Research
1350-4622 :  1469-5871: Environmental Education Research
1937-5174 :  1939-4071: Environmental Justice
1758-7093 :  2040-7149: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
1863-9038 :  1612-3093: ERA Forum
1366-5847 :  0014-0139: Ergonomics
2009-0056 :  3320-0758: Eriu
1736-7484 :  1406-2933: Estonian Journal of Archaeology
7181-1043 :  7160-0925: Estudios Atacamenos
7176-6171 :  7117-1713: Estudios Filologicos
1989-614X :  2104-4911: Estudios Romanicos
1988-2696 :  1134-1629: Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico
1806-9584 :  0104-026X: Estudos Feministas
1744-9650 :  1744-9642: Ethics and Education
1654-6369 :  1654-4951: Ethics and Global Politics
1469-6703 :  1366-879X: Ethics, Place and Environment
2155-0093 :  2155-0085: Ethics, Policy and Environmnet
1466-4356 :  0141-9870: Ethnic and Racial Studies
1741-2706 :  1468-7968: Ethnicities
2042-8367 :  1757-0980: Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care
1741-2714 :  1466-1381: Ethnography
1527-5477 :  0014-1801: Ethnohistory
1604-3030 :  4254-4597: Ethnologia Europaea
1469-588X :  0014-1844: Ethnos
2182-2891 :  8736-6561: Etnografica
1305-8223 :  1305-8215: Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
0717-6236 :  0250-7161: Eure↚
1421-9891 :  1022-6877: European Addiction Research
1752-1807 :  1350-293X: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
1461-7110 :  0265-6914: European History Quarterly
1613-9380 :  1613-9372: European Journal of Ageing
1741-2722 :  1461-9571: European Journal of Archaeology
1571-8174 :  0928-9569: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
1469-5898 :  0304-3797: European Journal of Engineering Education
1571-8093 :  0929-0273: European Journal of Health Law
1473-3269 :  1461-6718: European Journal of Housing Policy
1476-9344 :  0960-085X: European Journal of Information Systems
1751-6765 :  1751-6757: European Journal of International Management
1572-9990 :  0929-1261: European Journal of Law and Economics
1571-8166 :  1388-364X: European Journal of Migration and Law
1475-6765 :  0304-4130: European Journal of Political Research
1741-2730 :  1474-8851: European Journal of Political Theory
1572-9885 :  0168-6577: European Journal of Population
1989-4007 :  1889-1861: European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
2191-9402 :  2191-9399: European Journal of Scandinavian Studies
1469-591X :  0885-6257: European Journal of Special Needs Education
1469-5928 :  0261-9768: European Journal of Teacher Education
1314-0817 :  1994-7658: European Journal of Tourism Research
1468-0386 :  1351-5993: European Law Journal
1470-1316 :  1084-8770: European Legacy
1741-2749 :  1356-336X: European Physical Education Review
1469-5944 :  0965-4313: European Planning Studies
1474-0575 :  1062-7987: European Review
1740-4657 :  1050-9585: European Romantic Review
1469-8307 :  1461-6696: European Societies
1468-2672 :  0266-7215: European Sociological Review
1896-1525 :  1231-1952: European Spatial Research and Policy
1866-8887 :  1867-0717: European Transport Research Review
1465-3427 :  0966-8136: Europe-Asia Studies
1748-9547 :  1748-9539: Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention
1520-6505 :  1060-1538: Evolutionary Anthropology
1532-7035 :  0936-2835: Exceptionality
1753-3074 :  1041-2573: Exemplaria
1939-926X :  1449-4940: Explicator
1613-0464 :  1462-6242: Fabula
1545-5300 :  0014-7370: Family Process
1741-3729 :  0197-6664: Family Relations
1942-4639 :  1942-4620: Family Science
1933-026X :  1537-6680: Fathering
1466-4372 :  1354-5701: Feminist Economics
1466-4380 :  0141-7789: Feminist Review
1867-8521 :  1867-139X: Field Actions Science Report
1548-9922 :  3603-3695: Film and History
2040-3801 :  1651-6826: Film International
1564-5142 :  0145-1707: Finance and Development
1740-2344 :  0142-7237: First Language
1558-5263 :  9201-1297: Focaal
1469-8315 :  0015-587X: Folklore
1936-976X :  1936-9751: Food Analytical Methods
1876-4525 :  1876-4517: Food Security
1942-4299 :  1942-4280: Footwear Science
1743-8594 :  1743-8586: Foreign Policy Analysis
1862-7080 :  1862-7072: Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie
1740-2352 :  0957-1558: French Cultural Studies
1476-3427 :  1476-3419: French Politics
1748-9180 :  2622-2750: French Studies Bulletin
1536-0334 :  0160-9009: Frontiers
1673-7431 :  1673-7326: Frontiers of Business Research in China
1673-3533 :  1673-341X: Frontiers of Education in China
1673-3541 :  1673-3428: Frontiers of Law in China
1550-1558 :  1054-8289: Future of Children
1364-9221 :  1355-2074: Gender and Development
1360-0516 :  0954-0253: Gender and Education
1468-0424 :  0953-5233: Gender and History
1360-0524 :  0966-369X: Gender, Place, and Culture
1468-0432 :  0968-6673: Gender, Work and Organization
1939-3466 :  1537-1727: General Anthropology
1572-9893 :  0343-2521: Geo Journal
1520-6548 :  0883-6353: Geoarchaeology - An International Journal
2248-2776 :  1224-6808: Geo-Eco-Marina
2065-4421 :  1842-5135: Geographia Technica
1538-4632 :  0016-7363: Geographical Analysis
1745-5871 :  1745-5863: Geographical Research
1752-6884 :  1933-8341: Geography Teacher
1867-2485 :  1867-2477: Geoheritage
1573-7624 :  1384-6175: GeoInformatica
1468-0483 :  0016-8777: German Life and Letters
3174-4965 :  3174-4956: Germano-Slavica
2101-0218 :  0151-0193: Gerontologie et Societe
1545-3847 :  0270-1960: Gerontology and Geriatrics Education
1569-9773 :  1568-1475: Gesture
1742-7673 :  1742-7665: Global Media and Communication
1918-591X :  1918-5901: Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition
1471-0374 :  1470-2266: Global Networks
1758-5899 :  1758-5880: Global Policy
1469-798X :  1360-0826: Global Society
1538-9731 :  1089-0017: Good Society
1468-0491 :  0952-1895: Governance
1477-7053 :  0017-257X: Government and Opposition
1574-180X :  1574-1796: Grey Journal
1876-0759 :  0167-3831: Grotiana
1572-9907 :  0926-2644: Group Decision and Negotiation
1569-2086 :  1569-2078: Hawwa
1545-6854 :  0360-7283: Health and Social Work
1573-3394 :  1065-3058: Health Care Analysis
1550-512X :  1525-5794: Health Care Manager
1532-7027 :  1041-0236: Health Communication
1465-3648 :  0268-1153: Health Education Research
1471-1842 :  1471-1834: Health information and libraries journal
1460-2245 :  0957-4824: Health Promotion International
1572-8498 :  0956-2737: HEC Forum
1935-0228 :  1600-0923: Helios
1553-5622 :  0018-098X: Hesperia
1469-834X :  1359-8139: High Ability Studies
1573-174X :  0018-1560: Higher Education
1740-3863 :  0952-8733: Higher Education Policy
2639-9769 :  9515-5224: Higher Education Quarterly
1553-0639 :  1821-2176: Hispanic Review
1950-666X :  1254-728X: Histoire et Societes Rurales
1980-4369 :  1019-9074: Historia
2236-3459 :  1414-3518: Historia da Educacao
1988-3056 :  1137-0734: Historia y Comunicacion Social
1468-2281 :  0950-3471: Historical Research
1477-2612 :  0275-7206: History and Anthropology
1464-5130 :  0046-760X: History of Education
1971-1131 :  1971-1093: History of Education and Children's Literature
8198-8691 :  3113-3248: History of Education Review
1875-0257 :  9215-5891: Hobbes Studies
1476-7937 :  8756-6583: Holocaust and Genocide Studies
2101-0226 :  0018-4306: Homme et la Societe
1466-1810 :  0267-3037: Housing Studies
1651-2278 :  1403-6096: Housing, Theory and Society
1468-2311 :  0265-5527: Howard Journal of Criminal Justice
1468-2958 :  0360-3989: Human Communication Research
1547-8181 :  0018-7208: Human Factors
1520-6564 :  1090-8471: Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing
2067-2284 :  1843-6587: Human Geographies
1085-794X :  0275-0392: Human Rights Quarterly
1572-851X :  0163-8548: Human Studies
2012-0788 :  1655-1532: Humanities Diliman
1613-3722 :  0933-1719: Humor
1588-2772 :  2366-6568: Hungarian Studies
1404-4013 :  1403-8668: Hygiea Internationalis
1532-706X :  1528-3488: Identity
1751-9578 :  1751-956X: IET Intelligent Transport Systems
1471-5465 :  1461-5517: Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
1475-7583 :  1365-4802: Improving Schools
1753-8262 :  1753-8254: Indian Growth and Development Review
0973-9130 :  0973-9122: Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
1469-8382 :  1363-9811: Indonesia and the Malay World
1578-4126 :  0210-3702: Infancia y Aprendizaje
1465-9840 :  1463-6697: Info
1809-4783 :  1040-0146: Informacao e Sociedade
1851-1740 :  1514-8327: Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad
0266-6669 :  1741-6469: Information Development
1573-7659 :  1386-4564: Information Retrieval
1087-6537 :  0197-2243: Information Society
1526-5536 :  1047-7047: Information Systems Research
1573-7667 :  1385-951X: Information Technology and Management
1547-9684 :  1521-4672: Informing Science
1469-8412 :  1351-1610: Innovation
1750-1237 :  1750-1229: Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
1470-3300 :  1470-3297: Innovations in Education and Teaching International
2048-7754 :  -: Insights
1572-0381 :  1572-0373: Interaction Studies
1469-8447 :  1464-9373: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
1469-8439 :  1467-5986: Intercultural Education
1613-365X :  1612-295X: Intercultural Pragmatics
1468-2346 :  0020-5850: International Affaires
1748-0493 :  1748-0485: International Communication Gazette
1871-9732 :  1871-9740: International Community Law Review
1573-1553 :  1567-9764: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
1468-2362 :  1367-0271: International Finance
1095-9297 :  1057-2317: International Information and Library Review
1099-1107 :  1180-0518: International Insolvency Review
1547-7444 :  0305-0629: International Interactions
1470-1324 :  1360-144X: International Journal for Academic Development
1573-3246 :  0165-0653: International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
1758-1214 :  1758-1206: International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
1861-9916 :  1861-1303: International Journal of Action Research
1947-9662 :  1947-9654: International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research
1560-4306 :  1560-4292: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
1823-6243 :  -: International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
1532-7108 :  1050-8414: International Journal of Aviation Psychology
1741-5020 :  0963-6048: International Journal of Biotechnology
1571-8182 :  0927-5568: International Journal of Children's Rights
2327-2155 :  2327-0047: International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies
2327-8617 :  2327-7882: International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies
1556-1615 :  1556-1607: International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
1474-2659 :  1474-2640: International Journal of Constitutional Law
1741-5055 :  1560-4624: International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
1569-9811 :  1384-6655: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
1573-8965 :  1358-8265: International Journal of Crashworthiness
2327-2376 :  2327-0055: International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies
1741-2838 :  1470-5958: International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
1477-2833 :  1028-6632: International Journal of Cultural Policy
1754-2871 :  1754-2863: International Journal of Culture and Mental Health
1748-5681 :  1748-5673: International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
1687-7586 :  1687-7578: International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
1465-346X :  1034-912X: International Journal of Disability, Development and Education
1556-8873 :  1556-8881: International Journal of Doctoral Studies
0973-7308 :  0972-9984: International Journal of Ecology and Development
1548-3894 :  1548-3886: International Journal of Electronic Government Research
1751-9128 :  1751-911X: International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
1863-0383 :  1868-8799: International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
1741-508X :  1472-8923: International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy
1478-7466 :  1474-6778: International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
1029-0400 :  0020-7233: International Journal of Environmental Studies
1754-3274 :  1754-3266: International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education
1937-4577 :  1937-4585: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
1432-1270 :  0020-7276: International Journal of Game Theory
1365-8824 :  1365-8816: International Journal of Geographical Information Science
1741-5136 :  1466-6650: International Journal of Global Environmental Issues
1573-6962 :  1389-6563: International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics
1470-3610 :  1352-7258: International Journal of Heritage Studies
1574-9282 :  1022-4556: International Journal of Hindu Studies
1573-7738 :  1092-7697: International Journal of Historical Archeology
1095-9300 :  1071-5819: International Journal of Human Computer Studies
1532-7590 :  1044-7318: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
2327-2457 :  2327-0063: International Journal of Humanities Education
1464-5173 :  1360-3116: International Journal of Inclusive Education
1550-1337 :  1550-1876: International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education
2008-8310 :  2008-8302: International Journal of Information Science and Management
1741-8089 :  1471-8197: International Journal of Innovation and Learning
1975-4019 :  1975-3586: International Journal of Intangible Heritage
1478-9655 :  1478-9647: International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
1741-1017 :  1741-1009: International Journal of Knowledge and Learning
1744-5531 :  1744-5523: International Journal of Law in Context
1447-9540 :  1447-9494: International Journal of Learning
1464-519X :  0260-1370: International Journal of Lifelong Education
1932-586X :  1090-4018: International Journal of Listening↚
1750-3868 :  1750-385X: International Journal of Management in Education
1571-8085 :  0927-3522: International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
1744-263X :  1744-2621: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
1471-6380 :  0020-7438: International Journal of Middle East Studies
2042-8650 :  1747-9894: International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
1571-8115 :  1385-4879: International Journal of Minority and Group Rights
1744-795X :  2557-7614: International Journal of Music Education
1099-1212 :  1047-482X: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
2040-0934 :  1479-4713: International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media
1573-3416 :  0891-4486: International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society
1753-6243 :  1753-6235: International Journal of Private Law
1532-4265 :  0190-0692: International Journal of Public Administration
1661-8564 :  1661-8556: International Journal of Public Health
1471-6909 :  0954-2892: International Journal of Public Opinion Research
1740-0619 :  1740-0600: International Journal of Public Policy
1464-3715 :  0953-8186: International Journal of Refugee Law
1464-5289 :  0950-0693: International Journal of Science Education
1931-762X :  1931-7611: International Journal of Sexual Health
1756-6525 :  1756-6517: International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
1947-8410 :  1947-8402: International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
1464-5300 :  1364-5579: International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice
1468-2397 :  1369-6866: International Journal of Social Welfare
1748-8893 :  1748-8885: International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law
1743-761X :  1743-7601: International Journal of Substainable Development and Planning
1741-5268 :  0960-1406: International Journal of Sustainable Development
1742-7231 :  1742-7223: International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing
1756-2546 :  1756-2538: International Journal of Sustainable Society
1556-8334 :  1556-8318: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
1947-346X :  1947-3451: International Journal of Technoethics
1753-1950 :  1753-1942: International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development
1573-1804 :  0957-7572: International Journal of Technology and Design Education
1741-8194 :  1476-5667: International Journal of Technology and Globalisation
1753-5263 :  1753-5255: International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
1741-5276 :  0267-5730: International Journal of Technology Management
1532-7574 :  1530-5058: International Journal of Testing
1447-9567 :  1447-9516: International Journal of the Book
1469-9257 :  0969-5958: International Journal of the Legal Profession
1613-3668 :  1652-2516: International Journal of the Sociology of Language
1522-1970 :  1099-2340: International Journal of Tourism Research
1468-2419 :  1360-3736: International Journal of Training and Development
1468-2427 :  0309-1317: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
1946-3146 :  1946-3138: International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development
1741-5322 :  1465-6620: International Journal of Water
1360-0648 :  0790-0627: International Journal of Water Resources Development
1741-8216 :  1477-8394: International Journal of Web Based Communities
1548-1107 :  1548-1093: International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies
2043-9040 :  2043-9032: International Journal of Work Innovation
1468-2435 :  0020-7985: International Migration
1931-3160 :  1931-3152: International Multilingual Research Journal
1571-8069 :  1382-340X: International Negotiation
1531-5088 :  0020-8183: International Organization
1572-3747 :  1572-3739: International Organizations Law Review
1743-906X :  1353-3312: International Peacekeeping
1469-9265 :  1356-3475: International Planning Studies
1749-5687 :  1749-5679: International Political Sociology
1740-3898 :  1384-5748: International Politics
1541-3519 :  0272-684X: International Quarterly of Community Health Education
1741-2862 :  0047-1178: International Relations
1364-6885 :  1360-0869: International Review of Law, Computers and Technology
1469-512X :  0020-8590: International Review of Social History
1469-9273 :  0390-6701: International Review of Sociology
1607-5889 :  1816-3831: International Review of the Red Cross
1531-4804 :  0162-2889: International Security
1468-2451 :  0020-8701: International Social Science Journal
1468-246X :  0020-871X: International Social Security Review
1942-2547 :  1942-2539: International Studies in Catholic Education
1528-3585 :  1528-3577: International Studies Perspectives
1468-2478 :  0020-8833: International Studies Quarterly
1468-2486 :  1521-9488: International Studies Review
1363-5387 :  -: Internet Archaeology
1540-4749 :  1087-5301: Internet Reference Services Quarterly
1850-373X :  1666-2105: Intersecciones en Antropologia
1538-4810 :  1053-4512: Intervention in School and Clinic
1783-1482 :  2108-0870: Iranica Antiqua
1747-4965 :  3323-3315: Irish Educational Studies
2009-0072 :  0332-1460: Irish Studies in International Affairs
1613-0928 :  2118-1818: Islam - Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients
1469-9311 :  0959-6410: Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
1558-7983 :  7393-3172: Issues in Accounting Education
1559-0909 :  1614-4622: Italian Culture
1748-6181 :  0075-1634: Italian Studies
2041-2827 :  1651-1153: Itinerario
1783-1490 :  1908-0829: ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Belgium)
0718-0012 :  0717-2877: Ius et Praxis
1810-536X :  3788-8660: Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik
1474-0060 :  1468-1099: Japanese Journal of Political Science
1749-4079 :  1749-4060: Jazz Perspectives
1539-073X :  1520-9229: JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation
1783-1504 :  0021-762X: Journal Asiatique
2169-981X :  2169-9798: Journal for nurses in professional development
1538-9049 :  1098-7886: Journal for nurses in staff development : JNSD : official journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization
1536-7975 :  1536-7967: Journal of Access Services
1573-3440 :  1068-0667: Journal of Adult Development
1754-0402 :  1472-9679: Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
1543-7809 :  0021-8510: Journal of Aesthetic Education
1522-9076 :  1522-8916: Journal of African Business
1464-3723 :  0963-8024: Journal of African Economies
1613-3811 :  1676-6164: Journal of African Languages and Linguistics
1751-7974 :  2040-199X: Journal of African Media Studies
2042-8715 :  1759-6599: Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research
1545-0821 :  0895-9420: Journal of Aging and Social Policy
1750-8622 :  1389-224X: Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
1535-1882 :  2187-8715: Journal of American Folklore
1090-2686 :  0278-4165: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
1099-1255 :  0883-7252: Journal of Applied Econometrics
1468-3148 :  1360-2322: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
1537-7911 :  1537-7903: Journal of Applied School Psychology
1936-1629 :  1936-1610: Journal of Applied Security Research
1570-064X :  0085-2376: Journal of Arabic Literature
1573-7756 :  1059-0161: Journal of Archaeological Research
1095-9238 :  0305-4403: Journal of Archaeological Science
1531-314X :  1046-4883: Journal of Architectural Education
2029-7947 :  2029-7955: Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
1533-2756 :  1533-2748: Journal of Archival Organization
1569-9838 :  0957-6851: Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
1751-6242 :  1751-6234: Journal of Asian Public Policy
0314-769X :  1444-3058: Journal of Australian Studies
1944-8961 :  1944-8953: Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
1099-0771 :  0894-3257: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
1573-6989 :  1387-6996: Journal of Bioeconomics
1469-7599 :  0021-9320: Journal of Biosocial Science
1755-1714 :  1743-4521: Journal of British Cinema and Television
1537-2707 :  0735-0015: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
1573-0697 :  0167-4544: Journal of Business Ethics
1573-3548 :  0894-8453: Journal of Career Development
1549-960X :  1549-9596: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
1573-2843 :  1062-1024: Journal of Child and Family Studies
1469-7602 :  0305-0009: Journal of Child Language
1750-807X :  1750-8601: Journal of Chinese Cinemas
1432-1343 :  0176-4268: Journal of Classification
1543-3382 :  0897-5264: Journal of College Student Development
1541-4167 :  1521-0251: Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice
1468-5965 :  0021-9886: Journal of Common Market Studies
1460-2466 :  0021-9916: Journal of Communication
1099-1298 :  1052-9284: Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
1573-3610 :  0094-5145: Journal of Community Health
1543-3706 :  1070-5422: Journal of Community Practice
2150-5403 :  1533-9114: Journal of Comparative Asian Development
1572-5448 :  1387-6988: Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
1744-6422 :  1744-6414: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
1365-2729 :  0266-4909: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
1574-0781 :  1574-0773: Journal of Conflict Archaeology
1521-0650 :  1072-0537: Journal of Constructivist Psychology
1741-2900 :  1469-5405: Journal of Consumer Culture
1469-9397 :  0258-9001: Journal of Contemporary African Studies
1478-2790 :  1478-2804: Journal of Contemporary European Studies
1469-9400 :  1067-0564: Journal of Contermporary China
1948-4801 :  7377-7363: Journal of Continuing Higher Education
1533-2683 :  1533-2691: Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy
1745-9117 :  1051-1253: Journal of Criminal Justice Education
1573-0719 :  0169-3816: Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
1753-0369 :  1753-0350: Journal of Cultural Economy
1366-5839 :  0022-0272: Journal of Curriculum Studies
1465-7325 :  1081-4159: Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
1086-3214 :  1045-5736: Journal of Democracy
1943-9407 :  1943-9342: Journal of Development Effectiveness
1541-4159 :  0047-2379: Journal of Drug Education
1572-8560 :  0925-8558: Journal of East Asian Linguistics
1753-1063 :  1753-1055: Journal of Eastern African Studies
1528-6959 :  1066-9868: Journal of East-West Business
1468-2710 :  1468-2702: Journal of Economic Geography
1360-0540 :  0260-7476: Journal of Education for Teaching
1464-5106 :  0268-0939: Journal of Education Policy
1541-4140 :  0735-6331: Journal of Educational Computing Research
2041-6946 :  2041-6938: Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society
1540-4129 :  0894-6566: Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect
1971-8829 :  1826-6223: Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society
1941-1278 :  1941-126X: Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship
1740-1461 :  1740-1453: Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
1552-5457 :  7542-4242: Journal of English Linguistics
1528-2651 :  1098-8394: Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
1464-374X :  0952-8873: Journal of Environmental Law
1360-0559 :  0964-0568: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
1469-9451 :  1369-183X: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
1533-2659 :  1533-2640: Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse
1477-2280 :  0703-6337: Journal of European Integration
1466-4429 :  1350-1763: Journal of European Public Policy
1543-3722 :  1543-3714: Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work
1096-0465 :  0022-1031: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
1532-7698 :  1526-7431: Journal of Family Communication
1467-6427 :  0163-4445: Journal of Family Therapy
1573-2851 :  0885-7482: Journal of Family Violence
1553-3913 :  8755-4178: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
1758-7239 :  1359-0790: Journal of Financial Crime
1543-0413 :  7377-7037: Journal of Folklore Research
1469-9486 :  0309-877X: Journal of Further and Higher Education
1573-3602 :  1050-5350: Journal of Gambling Studies
1935-9713 :  1935-9705: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health
1465-3869 :  0958-9236: Journal of Gender Studies
1469-9494 :  1462-3528: Journal of Genocide Research
1435-5949 :  1435-5930: Journal of Geographical Systems
1466-1845 :  0309-8265: Journal of Geography in Higher Education
1475-3014 :  1470-5427: Journal of Germanic Linguistics
1540-4048 :  0163-4372: Journal of Gerontological Social Work
1550-4298 :  1550-428X: Journal of GLBT Family Studies
1740-0236 :  1740-0228: Journal of Global History
1943-4618 :  1552-6100: Journal of Green Building
1528-6916 :  0885-4726: Journal of health care chaplaincy
1087-0415 :  1081-0730: Journal of Health Communication
1538-4640 :  0022-1546: Journal of Higher Education
1469-9508 :  1360-080X: Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
1095-8614 :  0305-7488: Journal of Historical Geographpy
1569-9854 :  1566-5852: Journal of Historical Pragmatics
1467-6443 :  0952-1909: Journal of Historical Sociology
1538-151X :  1538-1501: Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services
1557-7554 :  1096-3480: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
1573-7772 :  1566-4910: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
1945-2837 :  1945-2829: Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
1757-9627 :  1757-9619: Journal of Human Rights Practice
1835-3800 :  Journal of Human Security
2161-1939 :  2159-0311: Journal of Humanistic Counseling ↚
1932-0256 :  1932-0248: Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition
2151-9668 :  1326-0219: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research
1556-2956 :  1556-2948: Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies
1530-9290 :  1088-1980: Journal of Industrial Ecology
1793-6926 :  2196-6492: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
1846-9418 :  1846-3312: Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences
1466-4437 :  0268-3962: Journal of Information Technology
1933-169X :  1933-1681: Journal of Information Technology and Politics
1539-3585 :  1547-9714: Journal of Information Technology Education:Research
1557-1327 :  1557-1319: Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations
2042-8685 :  1476-9018: Journal of Integrated Care
1540-3572 :  1072-303X: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve
1751-3065 :  1751-3057: Journal of International and Intercultural Communication
1478-1395 :  1478-1387: Journal of International Criminal Justice
1099-1328 :  0954-1748: Journal of International Development
1464-3758 :  1369-3034: Journal of International Economic Law
1581-1980 :  1408-6980: Journal of International Relations and Development
1469-9559 :  0963-8199: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
1548-1476 :  1388-0292: Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
1471-6917 :  0955-2340: Journal of Islamic Studies
1556-1828 :  1556-4894: Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
1744-0548 :  1353-1042: Journal of Israeli History
1549-4721 :  0095-6848: Journal of Japanese Studies
1554-611X :  1524-4113: Journal of Jewish Education
1477-285X :  1053-699X: Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy
2164-604X :  1862-6033: Journal of Landscape Architecture
1569-9862 :  1569-2159: Journal of Language and Politics
1469-9575 :  1356-9325: Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies
1548-5811 :  1545-2476: Journal of Latin American Geography
1469-767X :  0022-216X: Journal of Latin American Studies
1537-5285 :  0022-2186: Journal of Law and Economics
1465-7341 :  8756-6222: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
1935-262X :  1935-2611: Journal of Leadership Studies
1744-0564 :  0144-0365: Journal of Legal History
1537-5366 :  0047-2530: Journal of Legal Studies
1540-3548 :  1089-4160: Journal of Lesbian Studies
1553-8338 :  1553-8605: Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling
1533-2918 :  1533-290X: Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning
1937-5034 :  1938-6389: Journal of Library Metadata
1554-8430 :  1086-296X: Journal of Literacy Research
1532-5032 :  1532-5024: Journal of Loss and Trauma
1552-6658 :  1052-5629: Journal of Management Education
1542-0361 :  1542-0353: Journal of Map and Geography Libraries
1697-9133 :  1697-4840: Journal of Maritime Research
1540-7144 :  0884-1241: Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
1741-3737 :  0022-2445: Journal of Marriage and Family
1534-8415 :  1534-8423: Journal of Media and Religion
1532-7736 :  0899-7764: Journal of Media Economics
1473-4257 :  0306-6800: Journal of Medical Ethics
1527-8263 :  1082-9636: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
1096-0821 :  0749-596X: Journal of Memory and Language
2042-8707 :  1755-6228: Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice
1469-7777 :  0022-278X: Journal of Modern African Studies
1086-3265 :  7381-1727: Journal of Modern Greek Studies
1993-0321 :  1672-6316: Journal of Mountain Science
1747-6615 :  1744-7143: Journal of Multicultural Discourses
1945-0079 :  1057-0837: Journal of Music Teacher Education
1752-7074 :  1752-7066: Journal of Music, Technology and Education
1939-0467 :  1939-0459: Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research
1941-1251 :  1941-1243: Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention
1099-1379 :  0894-3796: Journal of Organizational Behavior
1533-8614 :  0377-919X: Journal of Palestine Studies
1740-021X :  1740-0201: Journal of Peace Education
1874-7167 :  1874-7094: Journal of Persianate Studies
1927-5951 :  2223-3806: Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences
1467-9752 :  0309-8249: Journal of Philosophy of Education
1095-8576 :  0095-4470: Journal of Phonetics
1941-9449 :  1941-9430: Journal of Physician Assistant Education
1880-6805 :  1880-6791: Journal of physiological anthropology
1552-6585 :  1538-5132: Journal of Planning History
1936-6469 :  8820-0783: Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology
1533-2594 :  1533-2586: Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations
1520-6688 :  0276-8739: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
1741-1130 :  1741-1122: Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
1558-8750 :  1558-8742: Journal of Policy Practice
1940-7971 :  1940-7963: Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
1469-9613 :  1356-9317: Journal of Political Ideologies
1537-7865 :  1537-7857: Journal of Political Marketing
1467-9760 :  0963-8016: Journal of Political Philosophy
2158-3803 :  2158-379X: Journal of Political Power
1551-2177 :  1551-2169: Journal of Political Science Education
1468-2508 :  0022-3816: Journal of Politics
1930-6458 :  0195-6051: Journal of Popular Film and Television
1874-7876 :  1874-7884: Journal of Population Ageing
1432-1475 :  0933-1433: Journal of Population Economics
1540-7608 :  1087-5549: Journal of Poverty
1573-0441 :  0895-562X: Journal of Productivity Analysis
1466-4453 :  0959-9916: Journal of Property Research
1573-6555 :  0090-6905: Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
1477-9803 :  1053-1858: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
1097-3923 :  1467-9779: Journal of Public Economic Theory
1469-7815 :  0143-814X: Journal of Public Policy
1573-7799 :  0748-4518: Journal of Quantitative Criminology
1937-6537 :  1937-6529: Journal of Radio and Audio Media
1573-045X :  0895-5638: Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
1471-6925 :  0951-6328: Journal of Refugee Studies
1467-9787 :  0022-4146: Journal of Regional Science
1552-8049 :  1552-8030: Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging
1467-9817 :  0141-0423: Journal of Research in Reading
1098-2736 :  0022-4308: Journal of Research in Science Teaching
1532-7795 :  1050-8392: Journal of Research on Adolescence
1934-5739 :  1934-5747: Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
1466-4461 :  1366-9877: Journal of Risk Research
1651-2340 :  1404-3858: Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention
1558-2167 :  1558-2159: Journal of School Choice
1538-8239 :  1538-8220: Journal of School Violence
1477-8556 :  2244-4480: Journal of Semitic Studies
1527-1897 :  0022-4529: Journal of Social History
1540-4560 :  0022-4537: Journal of Social Issues
1467-9833 :  0047-2786: Journal of social philosophy
1469-7823 :  0047-2794: Journal of Social Policy
1540-7314 :  0148-8376: Journal of Social Service Research
1536-7118 :  1536-710X: Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation
1552-4264 :  1552-4256: Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
1465-3885 :  0265-0533: Journal of Social Work Practice
2154-6665 :  1059-3152: Journal of Song-Yuan Studies
1474-0680 :  0022-4634: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
1465-3893 :  0305-7070: Journal of Southern African Studies
1469-9818 :  1463-6204: Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
1857-663X :  1409-6099: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
1938-4114 :  1937-1888: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
1540-7578 :  1044-0046: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
1540-756X :  1054-9811: Journal of Sustainable Forestry
1691-5534 :  1407-8724: Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability
1543-2769 :  0273-5024: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
1540-7349 :  0884-1233: Journal of Teaching in Social Work
1541-3780 :  0047-2816: Journal of Technical Writing and Communication
1522-8991 :  1522-8835: Journal of Technology in Human Services
1469-9648 :  1354-7860: Journal of the Asian Pacific Economy
1747-6704 :  6812-1288: Journal of the British Archeological Association
1571-8050 :  1388-199X: Journal of the History of International Law
1535-3605 :  1043-4070: Journal of the History of Sexuality
1095-8681 :  0889-1583: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
1532-7809 :  1050-8406: Journal of the Learning Sciences
1558-9439 :  1536-5050: Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA
1935-1933 :  1935-1984: Journal of the North Atlantic
1467-985X :  0964-1998: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society)
1552-7840 :  1541-3446: Journal of Transformative Education
1547-5786 :  1547-5778: Journal of Transnational Management
1938-775X :  1938-7741: Journal of Transportation Security
1469-9664 :  1357-4809: Journal of Urban Design
1095-9068 :  0094-1190: Journal of Urban Economics
1468-2869 :  1099-3460: Journal of Urban Health
1752-9646 :  1752-9638: Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal
1466-1853 :  1063-0732: Journal of Urban Technology
1573-0492 :  0022-5363: Journal of Value Inquiry
1750-0133 :  1355-5502: Journal of Victorian Culture
1747-5090 :  1363-6820: Journal of Vocational Education and Training
1932-2917 :  1932-2909: Journal of Web Librarianship
1527-2036 :  1042-7961: Journal of women's history
1754-9965 :  1754-9957: Journal of World Energy Law and Business
1573-7802 :  0892-7537: Journal of World Prehistory
1753-5204 :  1753-5190: Journal of Writing in Creative Practice
1573-6601 :  0047-2891: Journal of Youth and Adolescence
1469-9680 :  1367-6261: Journal of Youth Studies
1741-3001 :  1464-8849: Journalism
1469-9699 :  1461-670X: Journalism Studies
1179-8912 :  1176-5119: Junctures
1613-0723 :  2274-7498: Kadmos
2180-4273 :  1274-4082: Kajian Malaysia
1985-8353 :  1394-9330: Kemanusiaan
1477-8246 :  1477-8238: Knowledge Management Research and Practice
1538-5000 :  1531-023X: Kritika
1568-5241 :  1567-715X: KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time
1467-9914 :  1121-7081: Labour
1099-145X :  1085-3278: Land Degradation and Development
1572-9761 :  0921-2973: Landscape Ecology
1469-9710 :  0142-6397: Landscape Research
1535-0665 :  0097-8507: Language
1532-7817 :  1048-9223: Language Acquisition
1464-0732 :  0169-0965: Language and Cognitive Processes
1875-7294 :  9215-5034: Language and Computers
1461-7293 :  0963-9470: Language and Literature
1469-8013 :  0047-4045: Language in Society
1467-9922 :  0023-8333: Language Learning
1547-3341 :  1547-5441: Language Learning and Development
1477-0954 :  1362-1688: Language Teaching Research
1569-9897 :  1387-6759: Languages in Contrast
1086-3257 :  8843-3236: Late imperial China = Ch'ing shih wen t'i
1744-2230 :  1744-2222: Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies
1548-2456 :  1531-426X: Latin American Politics and Society
1542-4278 :  0023-8791: Latin American Research Review
1573-661X :  0147-7307: Law and Human Behavior
1573-0522 :  0167-5249: Law and Philosophy
1467-9930 :  0265-8240: Law and Policy
1571-8034 :  1569-1853: Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
1545-696X :  0897-6546: Law and Social Inquiry
1540-5893 :  0023-9216: Law and Society Review
1470-840X :  1470-8396: Law, Probability and Risk
1742-7169 :  1742-7150: Leadership
1095-9122 :  0023-9690: Learning and Motivation
1573-1855 :  1387-1579: Learning Environments Research
1571-8190 :  4075-7585: Legal History Review
1748-121X :  2613-3875: Legal Studies
1469-8048 :  1352-3252: Legal Theory
1478-9698 :  0922-1565: Leiden Journal of International Law
1521-0588 :  0149-0400: Leisure Sciences
1466-4496 :  0261-4367: Leisure Studies
2151-2221 :  1492-7713: Leisure/ Loisir
1879-7873 :  1879-7865: LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition
1540-9511 :  0196-0075: Library and Archival Security
1873-1821 :  1464-9055: Library Collections, Acquisition and Technical Services
1549-652X :  0024-2519: Library Quarterly
1146-6480 :  1960-6052: Lidil
2029-0209 :  2029-0187: Limes
1613-415X :  1430-0532: Linguistic Typology
1613-396X :  0024-3949: Linguistics
1938-8063 :  1938-8071: Literacy Research and Instruction
1080-6571 :  0278-9671: Literature and medicine
1469-6711 :  1354-9839: Local Environment
1548-9957 :  0024-7413: Luso-Brazilian Review
0718-2244 :  0718-0209: Magallania
2027-1182 :  2027-1174: Magis
1972-5140 :  1591-4267: Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia
1540-9635 :  0149-4929: Marriage and Family Review
1467-9965 :  0960-1627: Mathematical Finance
1532-785X :  1521-3269: Media Psychology
1750-6360 :  1750-6352: Media, War and Conflict
1365-2923 :  0308-0110: Medical Education
1464-3790 :  0967-0742: Medical Law Review
1540-9597 :  0276-3869: Medical Reference Services Quarterly
1466-187X :  0142-159X: Medical Teacher
1572-8633 :  1386-7423: Medicine, health care, and philosophy
1745-817X :  7660-6097: Medieval Archaeology
1527-1935 :  1047-4552: Mediterranean Quarterly
1760-8538 :  2582-8296: Mediterranee
2235-5102 :  1724-2134: Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite
1469-9745 :  1361-1267: Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning
1535-0266 :  0272-930X: Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
1556-1631 :  1556-1623: Metacognition and Learning
1532-7868 :  1092-6488: Metaphor and Symbol
1467-9981 :  0815-0796: Metascience
1614-2241 :  1614-1881: Methodology
1943-6157 :  1943-6149: Middle East Critique
1876-3375 :  1876-3367: Middle East Law and Governance
1475-4967 :  1061-1924: Middle East Policy
1741-8992 :  1741-8984: Migration Letters
1479-9022 :  4597-7222: Military Balance
1532-7876 :  0899-5605: Military Psychology
1468-0017 :  0268-1064: Mind and Language
1751-228X :  1751-2271: Mind, Brain, and Education
1868-8535 :  1868-8527: Mindfulness
1573-1871 :  0026-4695: Minerva
1814-2036 :  1025-6555: Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie
1080-6598 :  0026-7910: MLN, Modern Language Notes
1568-525X :  0026-7074: Mnemosyne
1745-011X :  1745-0101: Mobilities
1469-9869 :  0963-9489: Modern and Contemporary France
1469-8099 :  0026-749X: Modern Asian Studies
1469-9877 :  1353-2944: Modern Italy
1086-3273 :  2761-1114: Modern Judaism
1545-6951 :  2682-8232: Modern Philology
1782-1444 :  0302-3052: Mondes En Developpement
1880-1390 :  2707-0741: Monumenta Nipponica ↚
1980-6574 :  1415-9805: Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica
1982-8918 :  0104-754X: Movimento
1532-7892 :  1521-0960: Multicultural Perspectives
1613-3684 :  0167-8507: Multilingua
1777-5841 :  2920-0107: Multitudes
1783-158X :  7716-6494: Museon
1469-9893 :  1461-3808: Music Education Research
1568-5268 :  1387-6805: NAN NU: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China
1871-4765 :  1871-4757: NanoEthics
1748-6963 :  1743-5889: Nanomedicine
1546-203X :  1546-2080: Nanotechnology Law and Business
1930-1405 :  1926-6365: NASSP Bulletin
1465-3923 :  0090-5992: Nationalities Papers
1469-8129 :  1354-5078: Nations and Nationalism
1573-0859 :  0167-806X: Natural Language and Linguistic Theory
1558-5468 :  1558-6073: Nature and Culture
1758-6798 :  1758-678X: Nature Climate Change
1571-9979 :  0748-4526: Negotiation Journal
1588-2810 :  0324-4652: Neohelicon
1933-4206 :  1933-4192: New Criminal Law Review
1469-9915 :  1463-6778: New Genetics and Society
1818-3352 :  1683-1381: New Horizons in Education
1469-9923 :  1356-3467: New Political Economy
1740-7869 :  1361-4576: New Review of Information Networking
1468-005X :  0268-1072: New Technology, Work and Employment
1571-8107 :  9027-7351: Nordic Journal of International Law
1502-4717 :  3325-5865: Nordic Journal of Linguistics
1891-5949 :  1891-5914: Nordic Studies in Education
1504-2898 :  8027-7285: Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
1502-5292 :  0029-1951: Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
1541-3543 :  1976-6931: North American Archaeologist
1534-150X :  2743-4380: Notes
1471-6941 :  0029-3970: Notes and queries
1980-5403 :  0101-3300: Novos Estudos CEBRAP
1568-5365 :  0048-1009: Novum Testamentum
1662-4033 :  1662-4025: Obesity Facts
1521-0642 :  0090-8320: Ocean Development and International Law
1541-3764 :  0030-2228: Omega: Journal of Death and Dying
1468-4535 :  1468-4527: Online Information Review
7185-5758 :  7171-1285: Onomazein
3055-5527 :  3052-5227: Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orients
1468-0084 :  0305-9049: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
1469-9966 :  1360-0818: Oxford Development Studies
1745-9214 :  7871-7191: Oxford German Studies
1468-0092 :  0262-5253: Oxford Journal of Archaeology
1465-3915 :  0305-4985: Oxford Review of Education
1976-5118 :  1225-4657: Pacific Focus
1470-1332 :  0951-2748: Pacific Review
1982-4327 :  0103-863X: Paideia
2221-7630 :  1727-4915: Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
1743-1301 :  3103-0328: Palestine Exploration Quarterly
1435-5957 :  1056-8190: Papers in Regional Science
1460-700X :  1353-4645: Parallax
1532-7922 :  1529-5192: Parenting
1460-2482 :  0031-2290: Parliamentary Affairs
1468-0122 :  2643-3944: Pastoral Care in Education
1461-7331 :  0031-322X: Patterns of Prejudice
1532-7930 :  0161-956X: Peabody Journal of Education
1532-7949 :  1078-1919: Peace and Conflict
1469-9982 :  1040-2659: Peace Review
1782-1479 :  1376-0963: Pensee Plurielle
1937-8327 :  8985-5952: Performance Improvement Quarterly
2179-0302 :  1806-0374: Periodico Tche Quimica
1475-6811 :  1350-4126: Personal Relationships
1803-4551 :  1210-762X: Perspectives
1747-6623 :  0907-676X: Perspectives
1568-0258 :  1570-5854: Perspectives on European Politics and Society
1569-1497 :  1569-1500: Perspectives on Global Development and Technology
1530-9274 :  1063-6145: Perspectives on Science
1460-7018 :  1360-3108: Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education
1468-2516 :  1465-6493: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
2244-1638 :  2244-1093: Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints
1088-4963 :  0048-3915: Philosophy and Public Affairs
1423-0321 :  0031-8388: Phonetica
1469-8188 :  0952-6757: Phonology
1742-5786 :  1740-8989: Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
1809-4481 :  1037-7331: Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
1466-4518 :  0266-5433: Planning Perspectives
1360-0583 :  0269-7459: Planning Practice and Research
1470-000X :  1464-9357: Planning Theory and Practice
1615-6617 :  1615-6609: Poiesis und Praxis
1475-3057 :  0032-2474: Polar Record
1555-2934 :  1081-6976: PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
1470-8442 :  0305-5736: Policy and Politics
1573-0891 :  0032-2687: Policy Sciences
1470-1006 :  0144-2872: Policy Studies
1541-0072 :  0190-292X: Policy Studies Journal
1988-3129 :  1130-8001: Politica y Sociedad
1476-4989 :  1047-1987: Political Analysis
1573-6687 :  0190-9320: Political Behavior
1091-7675 :  1058-4609: Political Communication
1467-9221 :  0162-895X: Political Psychology
1467-923X :  0032-3179: Political Quarterly
1538-165X :  0032-3195: Political Science Quarterly
1467-9248 :  0032-3217: Political Studies
1478-9302 :  1478-9299: Political Studies Review
1467-9256 :  0263-3957: Politics
1743-9248 :  1743-923X: Politics & Gender
1471-5457 :  0730-9384: Politics and the Life Sciences
1470-1014 :  0258-9346: Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies
1953-8286 :  0295-2319: Politix
1743-1735 :  1528-0268: Pomegranate
1540-5710 :  1540-5702: Popular Communication
1474-0095 :  2611-1430: Popular Music
1728-4457 :  0098-7921: Population and Development Review
1573-7829 :  0167-5923: Population Research and Policy Review
1477-4747 :  0032-4728: Population Studies
1530-7131 :  1531-2542: Portal
1527-8271 :  1067-9847: Positions
1466-1888 :  1368-8790: Postcolonial Studies
2040-5979 :  2040-5960: Postmedieval
1745-8137 :  7942-4236: Post-Medieval Archaeology
2101-0390 :  0152-0768: Pouvoirs: Revue d'Etudes Constitutionnelles et Politiques
1742-4909 :  9503-3153: Practice (UK)
1569-9943 :  0929-0907: Pragmatics and Cognition
1613-0804 :  7948-4848: Prahistorische Zeitschrift
1741-3079 :  2645-5505: Probation Journal
1613-4079 :  0921-4771: Probus
1755-0807 :  1755-0793: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning
2009-0048 :  3589-8991: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature
1989-7553 :  1135-5948: Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural
1699-2407 :  1386-6710: Profesional de la Informacion
1467-9272 :  0033-0124: Professional Geographer
1477-027X :  1464-9934: Progress in Development Studies
1477-0288 :  0309-1325: Progress in Human Geography
1478-8764 :  1476-8917: Progress in Industrial Ecology
1349-8606 :  1349-8614: Progress in Informatics
1470-1030 :  0810-9028: Prometheus
1537-5935 :  1049-0965: PS - Political Science and Politics
1972-5167 :  1721-0321: Psicologia della Salute
1938-9728 :  1938-971X: Psychological Injury and Law
1876-8741 :  1873-1791: Psychologie en Gezondheid
1941-9902 :  1941-9899: Psychology and Sexuality
1520-6807 :  0033-3085: Psychology in the Schools
1741-3087 :  3057-7356: Psychology of Music
2152-081X :  2152-0828: Psychology of Violence
1471-6402 :  0361-6843: Psychology of Women Quarterly
1467-9299 :  0033-3298: Public Administration
1540-6210 :  0033-3352: Public Administration Review
1573-7101 :  0048-5829: Public Choice
1527-8018 :  0899-2363: Public Culture
1541-1540 :  0161-6846: Public Library Quarterly
1467-9302 :  0954-0962: Public Money and Management
1537-5331 :  0033-362X: Public Opinion Quarterly
1573-7098 :  1566-7170: Public Organization Review
1749-4192 :  0952-0767: Public Policy and Administration
2065-8958 :  2065-7285: Public Reason
1866-749X :  1613-7159: Public Transport
1936-4792 :  1053-8801: Publishing Research Quarterly
2223-7895 :  1012-2346: Pythagoras
1724-1901 :  3349-4987: Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica
1570-0690 :  0014-9527: Quaerendo
1448-0980 :  1443-9883: Qualitative Research Journal
1573-7837 :  0162-0436: Qualitative Sociology
2159-6778 :  2159-676X: Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health
1573-7845 :  0033-5177: Quality and Quantity
1470-1081 :  1353-8322: Quality in Higher Education
1554-0634 :  1554-0626: Quarterly Journal of Political Science
1543-2750 :  0033-6297: Quest
1851-2879 :  3292-2665: Quinto Sol
1867-1748 :  1867-1756: Race and Social Problems
1470-109X :  1361-3324: Race Ethnicity and Education
2040-1388 :  1476-4504: Radio Journal
1950-6708 :  1291-1941: Raisons Politiques
2240-8053 :  1121-1717: Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia
1573-0905 :  0922-4777: Reading and Writing
1521-0693 :  1057-3569: Reading and Writing Quarterly
1521-0685 :  0270-2711: Reading Psychology
1360-0591 :  0034-3404: Regional Studies
1748-5991 :  1748-5983: Regulation and Governance
1745-526X :  3368-6882: RELC Journal
1096-1151 :  0048-721X: Religion
1949-8381 :  1550-7394: Religion and Education
1871-0328 :  1871-031X: Religion and Human Rights
1547-3201 :  3440-4087: Religious Education
1471-5449 :  0958-2029: Research Evaluation
1470-112X :  1356-9783: Research in Drama Education
1573-188X :  0361-0365: Research in Higher Education
1754-0178 :  1479-4802: Research in Mathematics Education
1747-5112 :  1359-6748: Research in Post-Compulsory Education
1532-7973 :  0835-1813: Research on Language and Social Interaction
1834-5530 :  1321-103X: Research Studies in Music Education
1777-5809 :  0751-7971: Reseaux
2211-2863 :  -: Results in Pharma Sciences
1885-8031 :  1135-6618: REVESCO Revista de Estudios Cooperativos
1467-9361 :  1363-6669: Review of Development Economics
1530-9142 :  0034-6535: Review of Economics and Statistics
1573-7152 :  1569-5239: Review of Economics of the Household
1556-3022 :  1071-4413: Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies
1467-9388 :  0962-8797: Review of European Community and International Environmental Law
1918-7181 :  1918-7173: Review of European Studies
2050-0394 :  2050-0386: Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law
1090-7009 :  0162-5748: Review of Higher Education
1467-9396 :  0965-7576: Review of International Economics
1466-4526 :  0969-2290: Review of International Political Economy
1469-9044 :  0260-2105: Review of International Studies
1541-1338 :  1541-132X: Review of Policy Research
1465-3982 :  0953-8259: Review of Political Economy
1467-940X :  0917-0553: Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies
1809-449X :  1413-2478: Revista Brasileira de Educacao
1022-2188 :  1020-0188: Revista Brasileira de Historia
7183-3437 :  7160-0747: Revista Chilena de Derecho
1988-2793 :  1130-2496: Revista Complutense de Educacion
1988-270X :  1132-8312: Revista Complutense de Historia de America
1983-3083 :  1033-3948: Revista da Educacao Fisica
1982-3134 :  0034-7612: Revista de Administracao Publica
1678-9857 :  3477-7701: Revista de Antropologia
1988-2831 :  1131-558X: Revista de Antropologia Social
1988-8457 :  3479-7981: Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares
1988-592X :  3480-8082: Revista de Educacion
1885-6675 :  0048-7694: Revista de Estudios Politicos
1988-2823 :  1133-0406: Revista de Filologia Alemana
1988-2815 :  0212-999X: Revista de Filologia Romanica
1989-9106 :  2124-4068: Revista de Investigacion Educativa
1988-2718 :  5566-6533: Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana
2253-9921 :  1887-2042: Revista Espanola de Antropologia Fisica
1989-0648 :  2115-5743: Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucional
1988-4621 :  0210-0614: Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica
1989-7448 :  1139-7853: Revista Espanola de Orientacion y Psicopedagia
1988-2858 :  1132-1873: Revista General de Informacion y Documentacion
7176-6252 :  7162-2790: Revista Musical Chilena
2173-1616 :  2171-6897: Revista Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura
7180-0934 :  3504-0451: Revista Signos
1783-1741 :  8025-2549: Revue des Etudes Armeniennes
1950-6686 :  0035-2950: Revue Francaise de Science Politique
1782-1525 :  1010-8831: Revue Internationale de Droit Economique
1951-6312 :  0223-5404: Revue Internationale de Droit Penal
1782-1533 :  1370-0731: Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee
1533-8541 :  0734-8584: Rhetorica
1724-062X :  3560-6085: Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale
1873-2000 :  3562-6220: Rivista di Filologia Classica
1841-4273 :  1582-8271: Romanian Journal of European Affairs
2068-7613 :  1582-456X: Romanian Journal of Political Science
1474-0656 :  0956-7933: Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture
1549-0831 :  0036-0112: Rural Sociology
1744-0378 :  0307-1847: RUSI Journal
2093-7997 :  2093-7911: Safety and Health at Work
1972-4845 :  1723-9427: Salute e Societa
1993-3819 :  1993-3800: Sapiens
1470-1170 :  0031-3831: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
1467-9477 :  0080-6757: Scandinavian Political Studies
1364-2626 :  1363-2434: School Leadership and Management
1866-2633 :  1866-2625: School Mental Health
1471-5546 :  1353-3452: Science and Engineering Ethics
1471-5430 :  0302-3427: Science and Public Policy
1541-1109 :  0194-262X: Science and Technology Libraries
1098-237X :  0036-8326: Science Education
1474-0664 :  0269-8897: Science in Context ↚
1588-2861 :  0138-9130: Scientometrics
1751-665X :  1470-2541: Scottish Geographical Journal
1467-9485 :  0036-9292: Scottish Journal of Political Economy
1460-2474 :  3695-9543: Screen
1477-0326 :  0267-6583: Second Language Research
1613-3692 :  0037-1998: Semiotica
1745-8935 :  1745-8927: Senses and Society
1541-1095 :  0361-526X: Serials Librarian
1472-0825 :  1468-1811: Sex Education
1573-2762 :  0360-0025: Sex Roles
1553-6610 :  1868-9884: Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC
1533-6263 :  0302-1475: Sign Language Studies
1545-6943 :  0097-9740: Signs
1744-8735 :  1744-8727: Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory
1559-713X :  1559-2332: Simulation in Healthcare
1467-9493 :  0129-7619: Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
1743-9523 :  0144-039X: Slavery and Abolition
1336-2364 :  0037-6787: Slavica Slovaca
1743-9558 :  0959-2318: Small Wars and Insurgencies
1470-1197 :  1464-9365: Social and Cultural Geography
1432-217X :  0176-1714: Social Choice and Welfare
1467-9507 :  0961-205X: Social Development
1464-5297 :  0269-1728: Social Epistemology
1534-7605 :  0037-7732: Social Forces
1816-1502 :  1816-1499: Social Geography Discussions
1363-0296 :  1350-4630: Social Identities
1573-0921 :  0303-8300: Social Indicators Research
1751-2409 :  1751-2395: Social Issues and Policy Review
1573-6725 :  0885-7466: Social Justice Research
1747-0927 :  1747-0919: Social Neuroscience
1471-6437 :  0265-0525: Social Philosophy and Policy
1467-9515 :  0144-5596: Social Policy and Administration
1468-2893 :  1072-4745: Social Politics
1433-9285 :  0933-7954: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
1573-1928 :  1381-2890: Social Psychology of Education
1758-857X :  1747-1117: Social Responsibility Journal
1527-8034 :  0145-5532: Social Science History
1540-6237 :  0038-4941: Social Science Quarterly
1096-0317 :  0049-089X: Social Science Research
1993-6125 :  1818-5800: Social Sciences
1993-6125 :  1818-5800: Social Sciences (Pakistan)
1874-8945 :  1874-8937: Social Sciences and Missions
1470-1219 :  1035-0330: Social Semiotics
1537-5404 :  0037-7961: Social Service Review
1477-822X :  1477-8211: Social Theory and Health
1545-6846 :  3780-8046: Social Work
1470-1227 :  2615-5479: Social Work Education
1533-2993 :  1533-2985: Social Work in Mental Health
1937-190X :  1937-1918: Social Work in Public Health
1545-6838 :  1070-5309: Social Work Research
1540-9481 :  0160-9513: Social Work with Groups
1980-8194 :  1415-8566: Sociedade e Cultura
1980-5462 :  1026-6992: Sociedade e Estado
1950-6899 :  1150-1944: Societes Contemporaines
1568-5306 :  1063-1119: Society and Animals
1588-970X :  1588-9726: Society and Economy
1521-0723 :  0894-1920: Society and Natural Resources
1750-8657 :  1750-8649: Sociolinguistic Studies
1467-9523 :  0038-0199: Sociologia Ruralis
1573-7861 :  0884-8971: Sociological Forum
1475-682X :  0038-0245: Sociological Inquiry
1467-9531 :  0081-1750: Sociological Methodology
1467-954X :  0038-0261: Sociological Review
1521-0707 :  0273-2173: Sociological Spectrum
1467-9558 :  0735-2751: Sociological Theory
1467-9566 :  0141-9889: Sociology of Health and Illness
1543-2785 :  0741-1235: Sociology of Sport Journal
1548-3843 :  1099-9949: Souls
2076-3433 :  0256-0100: South African Journal of Education
1479-0270 :  0085-6401: South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies
1947-2501 :  1947-2498: South Asian History and Culture
1474-6697 :  1474-6689: South Asian Popular Culture
1549-3377 :  7436-6831: South Central Review
1549-6929 :  0038-366X: Southeastern Geographer
1470-1235 :  1356-2576: Space and Polity
1742-1780 :  1742-1772: Spatial Economic Analysis
2217-8066 :  1450-569X: Spatium
1746-0271 :  1746-0263: Sport in History
1439-1260 :  0342-0477: Sprache Stimme Gehor
1932-0280 :  1550-5340: Storytelling, Self, Society
1741-315X :  1476-1270: Strategic Organization
1532-8007 :  1070-5511: Structural Equation Modeling
1588-290X :  0039-3363: Studia Slavica
1469-8692 :  0898-588X: Studies in American Political Development
1470-126X :  0158-037X: Studies in Continuing Education
1573-0948 :  0925-9392: Studies in East European Thought
1728-4465 :  0039-3665: Studies in Familiy Planning
1470-174X :  0307-5079: Studies in Higher Education
1880-6465 :  2876-6256: Studies in Regional Science
1736-8758 :  1736-874X: Studies of Transition States and Societies
1532-2491 :  1082-6084: Substance Use and Misuse
1468-2699 :  0039-6338: Survival
1937-0709 :  1937-0695: Sustainability
1862-4057 :  1862-4065: Sustainability Science
1099-1719 :  0968-0802: Sustainable Development
1662-6370 :  1424-7755: Swiss Political Science Review
2260-6513 :  1961-9359: Synergies Espagne
2260-8087 :  1724-0700: Synergies Italie
1851-779X :  3281-1205: Synthesis
1099-1727 :  0883-7066: System Dynamics Review
1099-1743 :  1092-7026: Systems Research and Behavioral Science
1588-2918 :  0231-2522: Tarsadalomkutatas
1747-5120 :  1366-4530: Teacher Development
1470-1278 :  1354-0602: Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
1467-9620 :  0161-4681: Teachers College Record
1532-8015 :  1040-1334: Teaching and Learning in Medicine
1470-1294 :  1356-2517: Teaching in Higher Education
1532-8023 :  0098-6283: Teaching of Psychology
1467-9639 :  0141-982X: Teaching Statistics
1467-9647 :  1368-4868: Teaching Theology and Religion
1475-939X :  1747-5139: Technology, Pedagogy and Information
1988-7868 :  2124-4408: Temas Americanistas
1569-9994 :  9299-9971: Terminology
2239-6330 :  1825-8689: Territorio
1545-231X :  0732-5223: The Clinical Supervisor
1930-6962 :  0016-8890: The Germanic Review
1871-191X :  1871-1901: The Hague Journal of Diplomacy
1752-7724 :  1752-7716: The International Journal of Transitional Justice
1527-2060 :  0021-3667: The Journal of General Education
1521-057X :  0194-7648: The Journal of legal medicine
1743-9337 :  1357-2334: The Journal of Legislative Studies
1759-8281 :  1759-8273: The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice
1478-1913 :  2749-4909: The Muslim World
1471-6968 :  0034-6551: The Review of English Studies
1754-1336 :  1754-1328: The Sixties
2065-3921 :  2065-3913: Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management
1464-536X :  1463-922X: Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science
1573-7187 :  0040-5833: Theory and Decision
1741-3192 :  1477-8785: Theory and Research in Education
2163-1654 :  9331-3104: Theory and Research in Social Education
1573-7853 :  0304-2421: Theory and Society
1543-0421 :  0040-5841: Theory into Practice
1360-2241 :  0143-6597: Third World Quarterly
1890-6990 :  1504-6893: Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis
1467-9663 :  0040-747X: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
2211-2596 :  2211-0046: Tilburg Law Review
1751-6978 :  1751-696X: Time and Mind
1468-3318 :  0964-4563: Tobacco Control
2070-7266 :  1617-9625: Tobacco Induced Diseases
1756-8765 :  1756-8757: Topics in Cognitive Science
1538-4845 :  0271-1214: Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
1550-3259 :  0271-8294: Topics in Language Disorders
1568-5322 :  0082-5433: T'oung Pao
1742-9692 :  1467-3584: Tourism and Hospitality Research
1470-1340 :  1461-6688: Tourism Geographies
2156-8324 :  2156-8316: Tourism Planning and Development
0082-5638 :  1988-3218: Trabajos de Prehistoria
1538-957X :  1538-9588: Traffic Injury Prevention
1533-0699 :  3605-5949: Transactions of the American Philological Association
1467-968X :  0079-1636: Transactions of the Philological Society
1750-0214 :  0968-1361: Translation and Literature
1464-5327 :  0144-1647: Transport Reviews
1532-2424 :  0041-1450: Transport Theory and Statistical Physics
1572-9435 :  0049-4488: Transportation
1029-0354 :  0308-1060: Transportation Planning and Technology
1526-5447 :  0041-1655: Transportation Science
2324-9943 :  2324-9935: Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
2168-0582 :  2168-0566: Transportmetrica B
1584-9422 :  1221-1249: Transylvanian Review
1836-2206 :  8178-8542: Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
1936-1645 :  7327-7730: Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature
1940-5065 :  1521-5385: Twentieth-Century China
1745-0152 :  1745-0144: Twenty-First Century Society
1996-2207 :  2577-7747: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg
1468-4519 :  1357-5317: Urban Design International
1469-8706 :  0963-9268: Urban History
1476-7244 :  0811-1146: Urban Policy and Research
1360-063X :  0042-0980: Urban Studies
1744-9006 :  1573-062X: Urban Water Journal
1855-8399 :  3536-6483: Urbani Izziv
1573-1391 :  0924-1868: User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction
1741-6183 :  9538-8208: Utilitas
2074-7705 :  1609-9982: Verbum et Ecclesia
1568-5330 :  0042-4935: Vetus Testamentum
1556-4991 :  1556-4886: Victims and Offenders
1470-1553 :  1060-1503: Victorian Literature and Culture
1527-2052 :  0042-5222: Victorian studies
1728-5305 :  1728-4414: Vienna Yearbook of Population Research
1570-0720 :  0042-6032: Vigiliae Christianae
1474-1032 :  0305-5728: VINE
1934-7715 :  1064-5578: Visitor Studies
1545-5920 :  0894-9468: Visual Anthropology
1741-3214 :  1470-3572: Visual Communication
1472-5878 :  1472-586X: Visual Studies
1334-6938 :  0507-1925: Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske
1874-7868 :  1874-785X: Vocations and Learning
1573-7888 :  0957-8765: Voluntas
1745-0128 :  1745-0136: Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies
2180-4311 :  1675-3410: Wacana Seni
1477-0385 :  9683-3445: War in History
1530-9177 :  0163-660X: Washington Quarterly
1877-7244 :  1877-7236: Water History
1948-8335 :  1948-8327: Weather, Climate, and Society
1813-3924 :  0084-005X: Wiener Studien
1757-7799 :  1757-7780: WIREs Climate Change
1748-5819 :  0740-770X: Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory
1541-0315 :  0270-3149: Women and Therapy
1747-583X :  0961-2025: Women's History Review
2152-999X :  7491-1409: Women's Studies in Communication
1470-1375 :  0043-8243: World Archaeology
1564-698X :  0258-6770: World Bank Economic Review
1564-6971 :  0257-3032: World Bank Research Observer
1467-9701 :  0378-5920: World Economy
1086-3338 :  0043-8871: World Politics
1749-4737 :  1749-4729: World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research
1475-3138 :  1474-7456: World Trade Review
1758-681X :  1758-6801: Writing Systems Research
1863-9704 :  1863-9690: ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education
1613-1150 :  8452-5299: Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Vorderasiastische Archaeologie
1865-889X :  8453-5302: Zeitschrift fur Celtische Philologie
1862-5215 :  1434-663X: Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft
1435-1269 :  0948-6704: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie
1614-7650 :  9322-2221: Zeitschrift fur Katalanistik
1467-9744 :  0591-2385: Zygon

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