Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
(RQES) publishes scientific research focusing on human movement as it relates to exercise and sport. The journal is particularly interested in theoretically-driven rather than descriptive work and the expectation is that a paper must significantly advance and impact on knowledge within the field. The journal accepts quantitative and qualitative work that presents new information, substantiation or contradiction of previous findings, or an application of new or improved techniques. The journal is currently not accepting narrative reviews unless invited or with prior approval from the Editor. The journal does accept systematic and meta-analytic reviews from leading research groups and scientists. The goals of RQES are to provide a scholarly outlet for knowledge that: (1) contributes to the study of human movement, particularly its cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature; (2) impacts theory and practice regarding human movement; (3) stimulates research about human movement; and (4) provides theoretical reviews and tutorials related to the study of human movement.